The best free PC software programs aren’t about the cost (or lack thereof), they’re about a fresh opportunity—collections of code that put the dumb hardware in your computer to smart use, tools that can accomplish anything from balancing your household budget to helping cure cancer.
Stocking your PC is an intensely personal task. But some programs are so helpful that we heartily recommend them to everybody. These free PC programs—a mix of must-haves and delightful auxiliary apps—deserve a place on almost any computer.There are times when a paid alternative makes sense, however. We’ve pointed out the circumstances where an upgrade over the free offering is warranted, along with our recommendation for the category.
And if you’re selecting these programs as part of breaking in an all-new PC, be sure to check out our guide to how to set up new computer up the right way. Let’s dig in!
A better browser

Before you roll up your sleeves and start slinging software around, make sure to snag your web browser of choice. Using Windows 10 and 11’s default Edge browser when you’re accustomed to something else feels like wearing somebody else’s shoes. (Blech.)
That said, our money’s actually on Edge if you’re not a Chrome die-hard — it’s pretty great in its own right. Firefox is great for privacy-minded users. But hey, browsers are all all free! Try before you “buy”—we’ve published some extensive looks at compelling features you’ll only find on Edge, Firefox, and Vivaldi (a.k.a. the enthusiast’s browser).
Is it worth it to upgrade to a paid version?

Ninitemakes loading up a new computer a breeze. Simply head to the Ninite website, select which free software you’d like to install on your PC—it offers dozens of options, including many of the programs named here—and clickGet Installerto receive a single, custom .exe file containing the installers for those programs. Run the executable, and Ninite installs all of them in turn,andit automatically declines the offers for bundled bloatware so many free apps try to sneak in. No muss, no fuss, no hassle.
Is it worth it to upgrade to a paid version?
No. For most users there really isn’t a worthy alternative, and even if there was it wouldn’t justify the cost. That said, there is a paid complementary utility calledNinite Updater that costs $10 per yearthat makes it easy to keep all your desktop programs up-to-date.

Accidentally installing unwanted bloatware is one of the greatest dangers of free software, the sanctity of Ninite aside. For everything else, useUnchecky. Unchecky automatically unchecks all of the checkboxes when you’re trying to install a program, and warns you if shady software is trying to sneak something ugly onto your machine.
Is it worth it to upgrade to a paid version?
No. Again Unchecky is in a league unto itself, and while you might find similar capabilities bundled in an antivirus program, there’s little reason to look elsewhere.
Microsoft PowerToys

Jared Newman / Foundry
Jared Newman / Foundry
Jared Newman / Foundry
If you want to fine-tune your Windows experience, be sure to check out Microsoft’s killer PowerToys suite. Ostensibly for enthusiasts, PowerToys is absolutely loaded with tools designed to streamline all sorts of PC hassles. It offers utilities to batch resize images, quickly find your mouse cursor, always keep a chosen window on top of your others, remap your keyboard keys, show file previews in File Explorer, and a whole lot more. And you should definitely be using FancyZones, Microsoft’s killer multitasking app.
Is it worth it to upgrade to a paid version?
Nope—no premium alternative exists for Microsoft’s awesome collection of tools.

On the surface,Launchyis a simple app launcher, and that’s swell all on its own! App launchers let you activate software far faster than navigating Windows, even if you use the Windows key and search for an app by name. But Launchy can do much, much more: Open any file or folder in mere seconds, shut down your PC, or even kill processes and perform math calculations with the rightplug-ins. Install Launchy and forget about your Start menu.
Is it worth it to upgrade to a paid version?
No. Launchy is another Windows utility that is unto itself; however, the developers do accept donations, andwe highly recommend tossing the developers a few dollars for this excellent program.

Windows can create and extract ZIP files natively, but if you find yourself staring at another compressed archive you’ll need a dedicated program to handle it. A lot of them cost money.7-Zipis open-source and completely free, ready to perform all your archiving needs from Windows’ right-click context menu. You can even encrypt 7-Zip archives with a password to send them securely.
Is it worth it to upgrade to a paid version?
No. 7-Zip is great, and paid parallels such as WinZip really don’t offer enough to justify the fee. For most of us, 7-zip is just great — and Microsoft has integrated RAR and 7-Zip file support directly into Windows 11 itself.

Windows 10 and 11 have a prickly problem: Unlike Windows 7, they’reincapable of playing DVDs out of the box. Your PC might have a DVD-playing program installed if you bought a boxed system, but if not, thesimply wonderful VLC media playercan play your flicks (and music, and podcasts, and…) for free. It can even play (some) Blu-ray discswith a little fiddling.
Is it worth it to upgrade to a paid version?
No. VLC is just fantastic, and you won’t find a paid option that justifies its worth compared to this free workhorse. You can, however, send the VideoLAN organization a donation as a thank you for its hard work.

Don’t’s freebie status fool you: This image editor may not have all the bells and whistles of Photoshop, but it packs everything that most people need (even layer-based editing) and costs hundreds of dollars less.We’ve got tips to help you get startedwith this killer no-cost software.
If you’re a graphics professional, and you can’t afford Photoshop but require more than offers, check outGIMP. It has a challenging learning curve, but its capabilities are damned impressive once you wrap your head around it. Those aren’t your only options though. Check out our roundup of the best free Photoshop alternatives for more no-cost programs for everything from quick and dirty tweaks to nitty-gritty image edits.
Is it worth it to upgrade to a paid version?
Yes. Free image editors are generally great and GIMP is looking better than ever. But Adobe’s Photoshop remains the unrivaled titan for image editing, while the hobbyist levelPhotoshop Elementshas advanced features that you won’t find in the free programs.

If you need to record or mix audio without spending big bucks on pro software,Audacityis hands-down the best option around. This powerful open-source audio editor offers excellent production capabilities—and a dizzying array of buttons and options. Snag it, then read PCWorld’sAudacity primerto wrap your head around the basics.
Is it worth it to upgrade to a paid version?
Maybe. For most users Audacity is a powerful tool, but if you’re rising to the level of semi-pro and need a deeper level of audio editing thenAdobe’s Audition CCfor $23 per month might be worth it. Keep in mind, however, that Adobe Audition is a pro tool and not a starter option.
Revo Uninstaller

When you delete software using Windows’ default uninstallation utility, it can leave a lot of remnants behind in weird places, sucking up precious storage space.Revo Uninstallerwipes outeverything. It’s great.
(Pro tip: If you encounter a program that says it can’t be deleted because it’s currently in use by your system, IOBit’s freeUnlockercan loosen its grasp, as can Microsoft PowerTools.)
Is it worth it to upgrade to a paid version?
Yes. Revo Uninstaller only takes care of the basics. If you need features like getting rid of remnants from previously uninstalled programs or mass uninstalls then spending $20 onRevo Uninstaller Proor a $20 yearly subscription toIobit Uninstaller Prois worth it.

Michael Crider/IDG
Michael Crider/IDG
Michael Crider/IDG
Managing your computer’s storage space is kind of an all-or-nothing experience. Windows will tell you how much space is left on your drive, and that’s it; it’s up to you to dive into a million different directories and clear out the gunk when you’re running low on space.SpaceSniffer(try not to giggle) from Uderzo Software solves this by scanning an entire drive and presenting your files and folders in a visual grid, which makes it easy to find “lost” programs eating up huge chunks of your hard drive space. It’s one of the five Windows power tools we can’t live without.
WinDirStat is another free program that behaves similarly to SpaceSniffer. If you’re looking to free up some space for the latest massive game install, you’ll want one of these installed on your PC.
Is it worth it to upgrade to a paid version?

But what if you want to bring a deleted file back to the realm of the living?Recuvais a clean, simple undelete program from Piriform, the makers of CCleaner.
Be warned: Recuva won’t be able to recover all deleted files, and the odds are even lower if you erased a program with a secure delete tool likeEraser(another top-notch free program). Still, Recuva has saved my bacon on more than one occasion.
Is it worth it to upgrade to a paid version?
Maybe. Recuva helps you recover files, but if you want power user features like virtual hard drive support and automatic updates then the $20 forRecuva Promight be worth it.
Sumatra PDF

Adobe Reader may be the go-to PDF reader for many people, but it’sclunky, constantly updating, and frequently targetedby malware peddlers. If you need only basic functionality, go withSumatra PDFinstead. Sumatra lacks the fancy extras found in many full-featured PDF readers, but when it comes to straight-up reading Portable Document Format files, Sumatra PDF is blazing-fast and completely accurate. Oh, and since it’s less ubiquitous than Adobe’s offering, hackers tend to stay away from Sumatra PDF.
Is it worth it to upgrade to a paid version?
No. There are paid PDF readers such asAdobe’s Acrobator Wondershare’sPDFelement. But they offer features that few people need such as the ability to edit PDFs, watermark, and annotate them. If you must have these advanced features check out PCWorld’s guide tothe best PDF editors.
Spotify or iTunes

Sometimes, blasting tunes is the only thing that makes slogging through a spreadsheet or a stuffed inbox even remotely tolerable. The exact music client you’ll want will depend on whether you’ve already bought into a service, naturally. For musical neophytes I recommend two programs:iTunesandSpotify.
The iTunes Windows client notoriously sucks, but it gets the job done—and that job includes giving you access to a vast universe of premium music downloads and keeping your iPhone’s music library synced with your PC. Spotify, meanwhile, is an all-you-can-eat streaming service with millions of top-tier tunes available, all for free if you don’t mind listening to a few ads.
Is it worth it to upgrade to a paid version?
Yes. In fact, if my editors let me use “Hell Yes” as an option, I’d say, “Hell Yes!” You don’t need to be an audiophile to recognize the sound difference in the higher-quality versionsSpotifyandApple Musicpremium subscribers get, plus no ads and the freedom to listen to your music anywhere? Sold.
A password manager

Thenever-ending stream of high-profile hack attacksof the past few yearshave driven home the point: Youneedstrong passwords, and you need a different password for each site you visit. Rather than juggling dozens of alphanumeric codes in your noggin, download a password manager.
There are several options available, but our favorite freebie is Bitwarden, a no-cost password manager with few restrictions (unlike the free offerings from premium favorites like LastPass and Dashlane). PCWorld’s guide tothe best password managersand the best free password managers can help walk you through all the available options.
Is it worth it to upgrade to a paid version?
Yes. Password managers are important tools, but you need them on all your devices to be effective and that means paying for the service. Dashlane is the best password manager around hands-down. Lastpass used to be popular but has suffered from too many breaches of its own for us to recommend.
A productivity suite

PCs excel at helping you Get Things Done—but few of them ship with a productivity suite installed. Fix that, stat!Even if you don’t plan to use a productivity suite regularly, it’s smart to have basic editing capabilities available on your computer.
Legions of people swear by Microsoft’s legendary Office; I do, too. But you don’t have to drop big dollars on Office if you don’t need its myriad bells and whistles.Free—and good—alternatives abound, withLibreOffice(pictured) being the flagship free-and-open-source option. The online-onlyGoogle Docsalso rocks. PCWorld’s guide tothe best free Microsoft Office alternativesexplains your various options.
Is it worth it to upgrade to a paid version?
Maybe. You can get a lot done with LibreOffice or Open Office, or even Google Docs. But there’s a lot to be said for Microsoft’s subscription service,Office 365, with its added 1TB of OneDrive storage and monthly Skype minutes.It costs $69 a year or $6.99 per month for a personal account.

Macros sure are great in Microsoft Word and Excel, aren’t they?AutoHotKeylets you create customized keyboard shortcuts for any program or action on your PC. It’s not exactly beginner-friendly, as configuring AutoHotKey requires someverybasic scripting, which most people will be able to pick up quickly enough. It’s downright magic once you wrap your brain around it though.
Is it worth it to upgrade to a paid version?
No. Even if you could pay for a pro version, why would you? But if you like keyboard shortcuts,Vimiumis another great free option for adding keyboard controls to your browser.
Proton VPN

Chris Hoffman / IDG
Chris Hoffman / IDG
Chris Hoffman / IDG
Browsing websites and sending private data over open Wi-Fi hotspots is justbeggingfor hackers to capture the details. Virtual private networks secure your connection. If you need to log in to your work website or email at Starbucks, usethe free version of Proton, a VPN we love,to keep your data safe. It’s fast, easy to use, and has a straightforward privacy policy, unlike many VPNs.
The only real limitation to this service is that you can only connect with one device at at time. Other than that it’s practically a premium VPN.
Is it worth it to upgrade to a paid version?
Yes. This is another one where “Hell Yes!” would be appropriate. The free version of Proton is great, and we think it’s a trustworthy product, but the single device limitation stinks in a world where you’ll be checking your phone while working on your laptop. There are numerous no-compromise paid VPNs to choose from. Check out ourroundup of the Best VPNsto find the one that suits you. Our current top pick is ExpressVPN.
Free games!

All work and no play makesHomer something something! Valve’s outstanding PC game marketplace,Steam, makes it easy to shrug off the stress of the workday and blow off some … well, you know. You’ll find tons of free games available on Steam, and games are frequently given away free for a limited time. If you want a steady stream of freebies, the rivalEpic Games Storegives way a free game or two every single week.
Is it worth it to upgrade to a paid version?
Probably. Free games can only take you so far before you’re left wanting more.Steam,GOG, EA’sOrigin, theEpic Games Store, andBlizzardcan all satisfy your gaming needs once the free games aren’t enough.
Bonus: Back up your PC!

This isn’t an official recommendation because the best way toback up your PC for freeis to use a hodgepodge of native Windows utilities and no-cost third-party solutions. But backing up your data issovital—especially in this rising age of ransomware—that it needs to be highlighted here.
If the idea of using a mish-mash of tools makes you wince, check out PCWorld’s guide to thebest Windows backup softwarefor more options. You’re going to need some portable storage to stash your bits on, too. PCWorld’sbest external drives roundupcan help there.
Is it worth it to upgrade to a paid version?
Yes. The best strategy for backing up your PC isn’t just throwing your files on a hard drive over USB. You also need to have an online backup, and there are many services to choose.Check out our guide to thebest online backup servicesfor more details.
Master your Windows PC

Now that you’ve loaded up your PC with the best free software around, it’s time to put Windows itself to work. Head on over to PCWorld’sguide to 10 obscure Windows features that will blow your mind to seize even more control over your PC for the low, low price of nothing.