The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)

THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION, Thnnday, July 10, 1969 C5 COMPLETE AMERICAN STOCK TRANSACTIONS Bales Net (lids.) High Law Last Ckc. 2 13 13ft 13V4 1 1 17 17 17 alaa Salea Net ai Net I Chi. MEW YORK (UPI) Following are (Ms.) High Lew last (hdsj High Lew Last Cbg. (hds.l High Low tast Cbc. Explanation of Symbols 1 14 14ft 14'4 nwa vn bh Airttnuu biock juunauga.

RfllM Nat 4 7 7 7 10 19 19 19- 5ft jft 1 5ft 25 25 25 8 9 8 8 i 5 13ft 13, 13ft (lull.) Hlrt Low last Chi. Duraioy Co DuroTs Dynalectrn 10 10 10ft 10'2 3 6 6 Vm Vi 9ft ft All aalM lit hundreds omitted for those designated whlrh are WOsonCo wt Wilsn Ph JO WiisnSG WilSpGd wt Winkimn .40 Wolv Ind .30 Woodln Woodallln 1 WoolLf Work Wr 0 Wright Hrg Wyandot Wyle Labs Wyomsg ZeroMfg .10 ZimrHm .24 Zion Foods '11 .88 M- 29 40 45 44' 2 2 2ft 21 21 21 St2 3 3t1 t3 I2H 12 ft tnrUil In 10 ihiM bit anA 4.aprliri In full. IlIVjnHNUS! pins eairai to tfn) nlna paid last year: aeciarea or paia so nam laas Tear: Iai 814 LEASING oil types' of TIMEvSHARE TERMINALS Immediate delivery1 and 24-hour service. For more information call 377-3962. 15 27- 1278 ft 45 8 22 15- 21 far this year, no annual rate plus slock 15.

15 ayment on accumuiatea aiviaenas iai lular ratei (e cash plus stocki (a) ai lis year latest dividend omitted I (1) pi payment on accumuiatea aiviaenaa iai navi regular ratei (e cash plus slocki () mis year laiesi oiviaena omiiieai til 48 64 tVt 16 8V4 Bft 1 22 22 20 16 15 3 21 20 11 11 lft 15 15 j8 sivioena; in; paia per cent in siocaj 6Y4 Mi 6ft 14 14V- V4 EagleClo EarlShib East Air Eckmar 15 10 14 jr? 3 27 25 13 ii'a 12 41 25 24 33 29 12 32 per cent In stock paid fast yeari (r capital distribution! (x) ex-dlvidend. 124 12ft 18ft 18'4 17 17 15 16 X-Y-Z- FRACTIONS: if) Indicates foUowlns figure is fraoUon In 32nda 0) Indicates OVi 60V4 I4S WA 154i 134i 13li fraction In 64 thai (t) Indicates fraction in Uths. ECL Ind Ig 27 27ft ft 15 15 11 11 10'i 10 Vi 14 42h 41 4114-1 7 6 lft 8V4 ft 17 16 7 7. 40 40 -lft 24 24 28 28- 32 32 11 11 84 Tenny Eng Tensor Corp Terra Hd 5k Tesoro Pet Texstar Crp Textron wts Thorofr Thriftimrt 1 TolEdpf 4 TonkaCp .40 Tool .20 TransLx .60 Tran WA wt Transairco Trn Beacon TrnCrb Trans In Cp Tmsogrm Trl Pac TriStMot 2k TropGs 1.10 Tubes Mex Tyco Labort 21Bmd 2ftk 33 33 33VS- itwt IS 33 12 84 7 17V4 WA 'J Itt 13 1514 8 12 25 36 Sales Net (has.) High Lew Last Che. 16 16 15 14..

FINAL AMERICAN SALES 21 MV2 31 VI 30 I 114 20 20 20 Vi 9 23 23 23' 38 30 28 29 ft 40 22 21 21 1 18 5 474 4 33 7 7ft 7 47 8 7 8ft 76 18 17 17 1 154 15 15 V4 147'i 147s Approx final stock total ZO IBV4 184a 11 9 8 8- 10 25 24 25 1 27ft Z'l un Stock total year Sales Net (bdi.) High Low Last Out. 6 371 36 37 10 25 25ft 25 36 25 24 25 ft 1 21ft 21ft 21 4 15 15ft 15 ft 1 15ft 15ft 15 ft 34 ft 34 3.410,000 Closed $2,300,000 Closed 20 19ft 20 24 24 24ft ft 23 23 23 11 10 11 ft 23 22 23 14 14 14 18ft Approx final bond sales Bond sales year ago 22 29 4 12 1 3 31 4 I 2 5 25 3 5 9 Z20 14 11' 345 4 12V 12ft -V, 36 36 ft 10H 10ft ft Ult fcft 12 12 4 1 i 10 16 15 1514- 27 44 43 43-' a 6 6 6 18 37-1 21 9- ft 141 IV 37 21 9Vi 16 22 21 21 8 A StapIM Star Sup .60 Starilst Statt am Ins SteinKl StepnCh .44 Sterling Ele Sterl Ext .24 StlPrec SternM Stemco Ind SlopShop .90 STPCorp .40 Strutb Wells Stylon Corp SunAir Elec Sun Elec Supercrete Su Surgical Suprscope Supronics Susquehn Cp Susqhanpf 1 Synalloy 5k Syntex .40 System Lab Systron Don Tamar Elee Taste Freez Tasty Bk .88 Techn Oper Tech Tape Tec color .40 Technitrl In Tel Prompt Telev Mfrs Telex Corp Tenna Corp Terms ws wi 11 15 9 35 164 3 127'i 24 24 24 13 13 13 3 15' l5'3 I3y 31 16 16 16 9ft 9 91 CjCOBOg DC EdoCorp .40 Ehrenrech Elco Corp Elcor Chem Elee Rose 1 Electrogr 1 Elect Assist Elect Comp El Eng l'4b Electro Bes ElCpAm .52 Electros 4k ElginNat wt El Tronics Emenee Cp Emery In ,90 EmpEI pf 5 Emp Fin 5k EpkoSh Equ Cp EquityFd 2k Ero Industr Esaro Inc 4514 4444 4U14 31 l'8 lt 17 l4J4 144 Vt 26 26 3t6 3tl0 t3 26 27 9 9 6A Alii 6 11 11 11 23 23 23'- 3 3 3ft- 13 12 13 12 11 11 8 7 7 17ft 17ft 17ft ft 4 7 3PA 37V4-W 61 V4 3715 10 362 67 65 67 1 Marleoe MarteyC .40 Marshal Ind Masland .40 MauiBro .20 Mauiel JOb McCrory wt McCr wts McCulCp 5k Medcolnc A MemCo J4b Menasco 4i MarchR 1.30 MerriUial MesaPet .10 Messpf 2.20 Mesa pf 2 JO Metframe Mkn Oh .20 MichSug .10 MichS of .24 17 8ft ft 22ft 1 18 13ft Vi 10 6 17ft 17 4 8ft 8 64 22 22 9 18 18 4 13ft 13 5 10 9 15 14ft 13 68 34 13 23V4 23 23ft 33 '4 44 36 31ft 35 2 598 5S4 5814144 19 19- 150 48 48 48 122 4tl5 4110 4tl2 tl 7 19 71ft 71ft 71' Sondr Bdcst Soundesgn SCEdpf 1.30 SCEdpf l. SCEdpf 1.02 SCEdpf 1 06 SCEdpf 1.08 SCEdpf 1.19 South Rlty Swst Forest Sowstlnv .70 Spectrol .36 Spedcor Ele SpeedoPr 2k Spencr Shoe SSPInd StAllianc .40 St Container St Dredging Standlnt .24 Std Metals StdMotP .75 StdShrs Std Thomsn Stanley Av Stanrock Ur Sanqaet 4 26 $9 3(10 $1 27 14 12 29 10 17 20 2 14 1 18 4 21 14 14 38 5tl4 140 40ft 40 4U 14 V4 Wedding Group Club Private Facilities Available 17 10 4 125 9 14 68? 2 10 5 W9 4 15 22 21 21 Vi 2144 84 10 10 11 76 75 2711 27 16 16 ft 5ft 5ft- 66 67 12 12 12 Vi I 20 27 3 16 69 5 148 68 27 20ft 11 11 ft 9 9- Vi 18 18 20 21 ft 14 14- 519 5tl0 12 13ft- 11 ft 25 14ft 23 11 11 lift 2 19 19 19 22 32 32 32 14H 14 ir if 25ft 25, 94 8H 14V4 14'A 2934 28ft 17ft 76 6 20 20 10 10 7 6 811 20 10 6-n Vi 3 20 ft Haw it at Bta Marlty't 20 2U'4 20 20 Udico Corp I Corp Unexcel Ine Union Find Unlnvmt .70 UnStkYd .80 UnAirP Un Asb UnBoard .20 Un Foods In UnlndCp wt Utd Nat Inv UtdNt nf 70 20 3 3 14 28 27 27 17 J4 20'I Espey Mig Esq Radio EssxCh 9 3 20 10ft Microwve A MidwtFn .20 2 19ft 19ft 19 2 12ft 12 12ft 7 14 14 14 7 19 18 18- 40 6 6 6 4 16 16 16 Va 2 30 30 30ft 1 13 13 13 11 11 11 81 3 3 3 St 7ft 71 30 25 24 24 17 6' i 5 6 12 7 7ft 7'4 5 251 8 8- 60 19ft 19 19 -V 3 9'a 9 9 44 57 56 56-l 10 4V4 4 4 59 37 36 37 ft 26 45 43 43 1 18 9 8 8- Bll. (Ufa 13 Miliro Kltrn 29 25ft 1 IV II EtS HOKln Evans Arist Exeotn 5 1 19 tll's 11 11 22 22 2214 9- 774 7 11 -ft 15 16 ft 12ft lift 8 ft 10ft 58 12ft 11 11- 1 Ik i Exquisite Sxtndcar 19 19 814 144 14 It 10 Wff 20 24 24 24ft- ft STEAK HOUSE AND PUB ll 5L U'8 lO'S 23 24 1 Ws 16'4- ft 13 14 12 12ft 73 73ft 34ft 34 lO's 10 9 9 46 46- 23ft 24 ft 9 9ft 82 83 atn ana 22 21 22 MillrW MillOnyx 4k Slilo El MinnPLof 5 MirroAl 1.80 Mite Corurt MoKanT otl Mobile Horn MobilHm wi Mohwk Airl Momvk Bat Mnlvbrtnlt 4 I0'1 1 si 24 11 2 9 11 47 40 24 21 9 289 84 27 3tl5 II 261 26441 19 14 13 14 16 18, 17 17- 84 CORNER CAJN IVY STREETS 525-8675 Livestock Quotations 29ft 29ft 29ft 18ft 18ft 18ft ft 7ft 1 1 7ft 7 ft 9ft 9 ft Vi si 18 18 5' ft 2314 J3 14 I434 Fab Ind Ino Fabien Fabrics Nat FairNol .162 Fairmn Falcon Sbd FamRec .60 UPDye US Cer US FUterCp US HomeDv US Leas .24 US Nat Ees USRadm .30 US Rlty .88 US Red US Rub Unitrode Cp Un Cigar 3k UnvCon UnivMar .60 UrisBid wts 45 9 15 9ft 16 104 1371 9 9 15 15 28 27ft 27 I AberdnP .07 Acme Hand Acme Prec Adams Bual Aerodex Inc Flo .30 Aerojet 50a 1.0b AerosolT 5k Aerovox Cp A1C Photo Aiken bid Aileen litem AIM Co lac InU AlrpaxE 2.0 Air West In Airwick .25 Alax Ala Ppf 4.20 AlanWS 1.40 Alaska Airl loot All Am Kne Allegh Cp wt Allesh Air Allen Atr wts Allen Elect i Allied Art AlldCont 4.4 AlloysU .54 Alpha Indus Alaco Incrp AltamllC 20. AJterFds JO Alum Sp .44 Amco Indst Ameoo Inc AmAutV 2.0 AmBiltr 60 Am Bid .20 AFinSy 1.10 Amlarli 71b A Ml 1 J5b Am Med .12 AmrMt urns 1 Am Pet Am Pre Am Safety AmTch AmesDSt 5k AMK CD wt A ni rep Corp AnderEi q-Andy Grd Angelica ,18 Ami Lain 'ArsulCo .56 Antliy Pools A Ind I nc APIInst APIXp 1'4b Apollo Ind ApPwpt4V4 Applied Dev ArkLaG 1.70 Arundel CP Arwood .40 Asamera Cp AsBabvS .60 AsaoFdS .20 AssoPrd .40 Astrex Inc Astrodat In Alco Chem.

Athlone Ind AticoFin .40 AtlasC 2.05a AtlaaCp wts Austral Oil Autm Bids Data Auto Radio iAutoSU JOK AVC CP JO tAvcoCp wul Avien Avis Ind. 3k Avondle 1.20 AynhCoU 1 GEORGIA CATTLE TJSDA-GDA Market Re part 10 10 40 40 ft mm 8 1514 7 10 2 40'4 .7 5 15 237s 82ft 4. Va 9ft 19ft lft 31 31V4 ft 7'4 7ft ft 21 17 IS B- 46 8 53 46 8 52 nil 70 10 10 10 66 644 044 31ft 7 5Yi 5'4 ft 661 2914 28 29 21 21ft 21 ft 23 2314 12 6 2 96 9 61 7 2 10 6 8 V4 Tuesday recepts 2,100 at six Georgia cattle auctions comnared 1.7QO nreviniia 19ft 19ft 19ft 'A 7ft 20 21 21 21- 1 39 39 39 7Y4 X260 6644 6641 4 11 10 15 58 57 X27 13 12 9 15ft 14 3 22ft 22ft 15ft li'a is1 10- 57 1 13ft 15 ft 22 9 ft 5. 14 14 14 iro 4 a vi Molybdn Cp MonPof 4.40 MonPpf 4.50 -Moog Incor Morse Elect MortonS .32 MottSup .18 MtVMill IVi Movielab In Movie St MPI Ind ,40 MPOVid 5k MulUAm 4k Murry .60 17ft 16 17 7 7ft 7ft ft 18ft 17ft 18 28 28ft 282 12 12 12 60 44ft 42ft 42'i-1J Tuesday. Compared one week earlier at Camilla, Franklin County, Macon and Thomson slaughter steers steady, heifers steady to 50 lower, cows mostly steady except Franklin County lower, bulla steady, calves and veal era steady to 50 lower.

Feeder steers, heifers and cows 14 14ft 14 ft 11 91 9 A 90S4 20 20 ft 90' 4ft 4 4 3 9aii 9ai4 2314 Va 24ft Z4ft Z4va 27 25 24ft 25 FAS InU 2k FedMrt 0g Fed Resour Federal Inc FedPur Felmont Oil Felsway .48 Fields Plast Fiimwy Filter Dyn Fin Gen .24 First NRlty First NR ws FirstSl FischerP 3k FishrG 1.30 FleetEnt .30 FlaCaD 4 vt sieaciy, caives uneven weignts ins. fully steady, 150-300 lbs. 50 lower. mm iVt 8 26 27 169 la 3 13ft Wt 13ft 17 12 12 12 16 7 7ft 7ft 9 5 5ft 5Vj Vt 2 16ft 16ft 16 Career Sales Opportunity Largest lift truck dealer in Georgia has opening for two salesmen. Outstanding draw and commission plan of compensation with guaranteed income during training period.

Protected sales territory. Complete benefits program provided. vi CALL GEORGE THOMAS AT 875-9965 For Appointment OGDEN EQUIPMENT CO. 957 West Marietta N.W., Atlanta, Ga. Muter Com I 1 31 31 3H4-14 32 7 6 6 20 50 50 50- i 21 20 21 28 23 22? 23 i 18 18 18 84 121 13 12 12- 16 28 28 28 's vi fata Valles Steak VaUeyMt 2k Valspar VanDorn .56 Vangard Int Varo Incorp Venice Inds Verntron Co Vetco OHSh VicLeece 3k Viewlex Inc Vikoa Incor ValrCoal .50 Visual Elect Voralin 14ft 14 UWA CO .90 11 10 10ft 10 ft 14 13 13 13 3 22 22 22 ft 13 11 11 11 2 9 9 9 9 9 9 -Slaughter classes: Steers: Choice 800-1100 lbs 31.50-33.00.

good 500-1100 lbs 27.00-31.00. Heifers: Good 500-800 lbs 13ft ft 17Ms '4 8ft ft 14V4 Vi 21 ft- fl 7 ft 66 '4 1SV4 ft i'A ft Vi 25.uu-2y.uu, standard 23.uo-ze.uo. cows: 10 u-n tin 16 8ft 7 glO 66 66 x. 16 lfi'a 124 27 jft 5ft Nancoln 5k 3 17's Mt 17- 4 47 46ft 47 54 51 48 49ft-l 25 8 8 8 ft 5 11 lift lift ii utility iy.uu-22.5, cutter 1.50-2U.0U, can-ner 15.00-17.75. Bulls: Commercial 23.00.

Narda Micr Nat Alf NatBeUH 3k 4 26.00, utility 21.00-24.00. Calves: Choice 300-500 lbs 30.00-34.00, good 26.00-30.50, 1 20 20 20 25 6ft 6 12000 23 22ft 19 99 28ft 24J0 C1iolcer 250-450 lb heifer 29.00-32.50. good 25.00-29 JO. SOUTHEASTERN BOO MARKET USDA-GDA Market Report Wednesday receipts 4,600 hogs at Georgia. Florida, Alabama packing plants.

Barrows and guts, mostly steady some sales 25 to 50 lower. on plant delivered basis: TJ.S, 1 to 3 200-230 lbs. 24.75 to 25.75. 40 head hlfih yielding 210 lbs. 26.00.

2 and 3 iWliV, 2 to 4 NORTH GEORGIA BOGS USDA-GDA Market Report Wednesday receipts 400 hogs at north Georgia points. Barrows and gilts steady, US 1 390-2X lbs. 25.50-25.75. 30 bead 1-2 210 lbs. 26.00, i-3 200-250 lbs.

24.75-25.50, 2-4 250-270 lbs. AUCTION BOGS USDA-GDA Market Report receipts 2,900 hogs at Georgia. Florida, Alabama auctions, Barrows and gilts steady to mostly 25 lower. US 2 and 3 190-240 lbs. 24.75 to 25.40, 2 to 4 200-240 lbs.

24.25 to 25.20, 190-200 lbs. 23.75 to 24.80, 3 and 4 240-270 lbs. 23.65 to 24.00, 2 and 3 160-180 lbs. 22.00 to 23.50 140-160 lbs. 20.90 to 23.00.

CHICAGO COPI) (USDAl-Uvestock Wednesday: Hogs 3,000. Barrows and gilts steady with Tuesday's average, moderately active. No 1-2 205-225 lb. 26.50-27.25: 75 head 27.25; No. 1-3 195-240 lb.

26.00-26.50; 200-250 l.b 25.50-26 00; No. 1-4 240-260 lb. 25.00-25.75; No. 3-4 260-280 lb. M.Cask 23 28- 22 52 32 Vort Mfg 1 stanaara Z4.W-2.5U.

veaiers: rew cnoice 34.00-39.00, good 31.00-36.00, standard NatEo Rent UIBU 01 01 4 4 27 27 27ft 10 17ft 17 17 9 14 14 4 84 .17 1534 15 15ft. 4 1m Nat Uen wst vol Muse .20 VTR Tncnrn 2.DU-33.IX). 19 194. 14 Nat Ind wts 14 20 II 8 8V4 8ft FlukeJon 3k Foodrm .30 Ford Can 2 For City .25 ForestLb 2k Four Seasns FranksN .60 Fresnill Friend Fr 51 Frierlnd .30 Frontier Air FrntierA wt VulcnCo .20 Vulcanln .30 NatGnwts 91 30ft 29 30, ,14 48ft 47ft 47'i 1 if15ft 15ft 15V-V4 "721 31 29V 30ft- ft 9 16 15ft 16 ft 3 5ft 5ft 514 ft 2 40 40 40 ft 16 8ft 7, 7ft- ft 35 20ft 20ft 20ft- ft 15 5ft 4ft 4' ft 245 77 74 76 19 21 21 21 9 20 20 20 Feeder classes: Steers: Choice 500-800 lbs 29.00-33.00, good 25.00-30.00, standard 23.00-26.00. Heifers: Good 450-700 lbs 23.50-27.50, standard 21.00-24.00.

Cows (feeder and replacement): Standard 18.50-22.50, utility 16.00-19.50. Calves: Choice 150-300 Nat Radio NatRlty .80 Nat System Ind 1 itl 1 va 202 8V4 7 7 Vi 10 8ft 7 8ft ft 44 2314 22 22 2 30 30 30 Va 6 8ft 8ft 8ft 5 15 15 1514 3 13 13 1314 ys yy4 W4 1 16 16 16 15 10 10 IOV4 Va WabMag .20 Wnlmut .30 1474 25141 14 18 27 15 14 12 26 25 22 19 18 NeedPak .20 1 6 6ft 6- Neisner Bro ML id. steer J0.uu-.iy.uu, gooa jz.uu-j.uu. Pholra 300-50O lhs 32.50-36.50. good 28.00- 27 12 12ft 12' Vi NestleLe .20 33.50, standard 24.00-29.00.

utility 21.00- 3 inuc .30 zuii 2U'a 3 "fit WadeU 3k Waltbm Ind Wang Labr WardFds wt WardsCo .40 Watsco .16 WeUMcL .44 20 1514 14 394 SIVm lft 10 8 7 7- 7 20 19 20 15 15a NHBallB .40 5 19 19 19- 19 38 36 36 1 11 265 35ft 33ft J3VS 6 714 714 714 84 934 S4 6 18 New ldrtaivi NewMex Ar 11 17 17 17- 10ft 9 5 ft 18 8 5 17 8 320 32 9 15 29ft 29342 14 14 ft vveiman Weld Tube 63 4- 44 63 7 37 3 43 1 12 a 4 4, 9 4 IP 46 7 2 ff" 23ft 23ft 51 Vi I IW4 I9V4 I5M1 ft 11 13 12 12 XI 1 18 17 18 5 13 12 1234- 9 28 27 27 New ParkM NwPrs 1.45b NYTime .60 Newcor .90 NiagFSv .20 16' ft 23ft ft 63 52ft 21 1214 1 4 414 VI ft 21 21 84 12 12. 6'a oib 226 44'- 202 15 19V 19 MUTUAL FUNDS COMPLETE LIST 19V2 4 2214 ft inaus ni Um TtV WeUcoE .20 Wentwr WsiJntHl .20 Westate Pet Westb Fash Westec Cp Wst Nuclear Westn Orbis IJ I4'S 1491 I4' 1 7 7ft 7 22 22 13 If a look at Iho face of violence disturbs you, stay away from 5 40ft 40ft 109 14 13 13- 44 Il5i4 7 6 13 14ft 4514 NoAm Royl 0V4 .6 66 870ft 45 280-300 lb. 23.50-24.00; 300-350 lb. 22.75- 8ft 13 202 12V 3Vi 32 13 41 yya yy4 W4 Yi 11 12 no van lws Noeast Airl 23 50. sows steady to strong.

fairly ac- 14' 14 45ft 34 33 33- 3 2tl4 2tl4-13 61 01 2 II Z20 61 21 27 1 Uve. No. 1-3. 330-400 lb. 22.25-23.00 400-500 lb.

No 2-3 5nn.t$A lh 23H- 27 27ft 28 28 1 2BV4 19 19 19- i 2 24? 24ft" 2 44 44Va 5 iVi 6ft 24ft 44ft ft west un int Whlbrtr Whiomiy .60 WhitCtS ,50 hite Eaele NoIPSpf 4 Novo Cp .80 Nuclear Am Nuclear Dat Nytronic 2k SV4T.W 1 12' 8 121 12ft 102 3ft a 35 25 24 66 20 19 17 16 16- 7.6 6 Vi 6 V. 5 r4 6'. Gabrlelln 41 GAC Cp wts Garanln .36 Garland .60 Gate Ind .60 -Gate Spt .20 Gaylord8 .30 A Cp 2k Gearnt Gen Alloys Gen Batters' Gen uiiora Gen Cine .24 GE Ltd GnEmpl .24 Gen Interior Gen Plywod Genisco Tec GerberSc In Ind Ino Giant GiantVel .40 GUbert Flex GilbrtSh .10 GL Indust 41 Gladding Cp Glasrock Pr GlenGar .50 GlnDist Gluckin Co Goldblat .36 Goldfield Cp Goodwy Inc Granger As Graniti.R air "ii New York OJPI1 Bid 16ft 16ft 5 24 24 24 INVEST Following is a list 2 16ft 112 14 6 an 8 8 4 GROUP! 13ft 13ft 29ft ft lft Tift 1ft 20ft '20's Offshore Co 39 39 12ft 21 of bid and asked prices on Mutual Funds as quoted by the NASD Inc. 34 34 41 41- 67 68 12 34 4 41 (180 69 9 14' 13'8 13' 23 5 5 5 5 6 6 614 Vi 3 24 2474 24 12 7 7 7 4 6 6ft 6- 4 12 1174 12 30 37ft 36 92 11 11 lift 6 9 8 87a 46 23 22ft 22-lft 20 7 12 14 27 33 4 311 3 43 108 8 1 64 25 4 4 3 2 74 8hioBrass 2 hioPpf 4.50 Whitehal El Whiting lft Whitaker wt Wichita Ind Willcox Gibbs Will nous In WHshire 4k Wilson Bros Wilsn Co 1.35 UJ3. mA 32 1 40 25! Sft 4 IDS Pr Mut Stock Select Var Pav Z0V4 26ft 5.15 5.60 4.66 5 06 10.5611.47 20.54 22.52 9.06 9.74 8.11 8.81 4.89 5.34 isia ASK 72 15ft 14ft 14ft ft 1 IVI 23tt ft I3V 13 25ft 25 14ft 14' 21ft 21- Vi 12 12 14 14 X2 16 16 2 48 2.71 20.50-21.50i 550-600 lb.

19.75-20.50. Boars Cattle 7.000, calves none. Trading on slaughter steers and heifers rather slow High choice and prime steers 1.00-1.25 lower than Monday's average choice and below. Heifers 50 to 1.00 lower. Slaughter cows strong bulls steady.

Prime 1200-1350 lb. 33.25-34.25; mimed high choice and prime 1150-1400 lb. 32.75-33.50; choice 950-1350 lb. 32 good 30.0041.00: standard and low good 28.00-30.00; high choice and prime 925-1025 lb. slaughter heifers 32.50-33.00i choice 825 1000 lb.

31.00-32.50; mixed good and choice 0.00-31.00; good 28.00-30.00; utility and commercial cows 21.50-22.75 canner and cutter 19.00-22.00; utility and commercial buns 25.00-27.00 Sheep 100. Spring slaughter lambs steady. Few lots mostly choice 85-100 lb. 30.00-31.00. 7.63 8.34 16'8 Si4 10 40 12 51 1 10 10 14 aoa4 ACM Ind Baker In .24 BaldDH 1.20 Bald Se gall Co .48 Banff OflU BankUt Banner Ind BarbLyn .32 Barnes Eng Barnwell In Barry BarryWr .30 BarteU Med BarthSp .33 Bartons Cnd Baruch Fobt Beck Indust Becoln Bell Electro.

BellTICo 24 Benrus Wat BergnB .34 Berenpf 1.1S Bertea Corn BethCn 40 13 26 14ft 21 13ft 15 15 15 6 12ft 6 15ft 10 -23 21ft 21 21 ft 86 14 12 13ft 10 10ft 93 9- ft 14 23 ft 22 23 101 lift lift lift Inv Res Istel Fd Ivest Ivv Fd 15ft 15 22.88 73 59 15.15 16.56 9.51 9.51 8.40 9.13 X200 IO6V2 105 15 1 x5 15 15 15- 18 7 6' a 7 UKUUP .600 OkoniteCo 1 Okonite wt OtdTown Cn 8lla Indust okiep 4.17b Originate .3 Ormand Ind OSullvan .50 OverhdO .60 Ov Sec lftd Oxford Elec OxfdFirst 5i Ozark Airlin Hanck Aberdn Adv Fd Affil Fd Auiture All Am Alpha Amcap Am Bus Am Div Am Ex Am Grth Am lnv Am Mut 6V4 6ft ft 12ft 12 6ft 618 IpwrfBrT'i n.r i jjpm urn nr, 11171 Tfinin irTinrrT nyn TtrTrTnTinirjiii 1 ssiasssj n. spji. J' "IU ''WUL' IJJW-t'!) 13 11 10 10 Jhnstn 21.im21.43 S.ZS 8.95 10.92 10.92 .98 1.07 11.99 13.10 6 02 6.58 3.37 3.65 11.2912.33 10.11 7.01 7.62 9.19 9.19 966 10.56 24ft 23ft 11 10ft 10ft ft I I KEYSTONE: 3048 3UVS "8 16'4 I6V2 16ft 2 5 2 CUSt B-l 19.79 20.66 43'4 43 V4 is is1 4 10 10 27 28 14 J-1 8 Cust B. 20.65 22 53 2 23 28ft 35ft 35H 35 ti'A 43ft 44 8 8 29 29 7 7 Vi 29 Cunt. R-4 Gt Am Ind 4 X1D0 73 125 6 3 29ft 20 7 47 46ft 47 ft 32 3.20 3.501 15.

12 11 11 V4 lit Bas Pet Gt Lakes Ch GrevhC 7fkl Am mat 14 7 AvriKIR GROUP: 7 13ft 12's H's 5 5 9 9ft 13 14 17 17- 31 31 14 14 6 714 9.79 10.69 8.49 9.26 5.56 6.07 20.93 22.83 11.2412.27 8.45 9 23 5.35 5.84 4.67 5.12 7 7 ft 42 4214 Cust K-l Cust K-2 Cust S-l Cust S-2 Cust SO Cust S-4 Polaria 1 4 'i Beverl Ent GrocStr 1.40 27 2 43ft 42 14 17 31 14 7 192 27V4 25 tSO 43ft 4314 14 14 13 59 14 ZlOO 2 12 50 15 56 8ft 7 8 Cap Fnd 9 11 9.98 Div Gr 13.0714.32 Div Inv 9.1310.01 Fnd lnv 10.17 11.15 14 ft 22 ft Indus PacClay .60 PacCst Prp PGElepf 1 PGElpf 1.20 PG 5rpf 1 PGEpfA 1 PGEleuf 1V4 urowc Gruen GSC Enterp I Corp GuardC 6 6- 7.71 8.45 IU11KT 3 22ft 22 7l 1 O'S O'S 'S 7ft ft Knk Grth 11.3712.45 Lex Inc 10.571155 19 4 iy4 i'4 Butter and Eggs ATLANTA EGO MARKET USDA-GDA Market Report Prices trended hldher on larger sizes but lower on mediums. Bavins interest on larger sizes Rood stimulated in some Instances by promotional activity. Supplies 2 9 Guerdn 67 41 40 40ft 1 15.38 16.81 10S4 97a 10V-4- 2-i- V4 tiulfCan Mi Lex Res Librt.v 5 21 ASSO 1.38 1.61 Astron AXF HOUGHTON: Fnd A 7.16 7.78 Fnd 9.15 9 95 Stk Fnd 7.13 7.79 A va Rri KM 6 a7 20 20- 1A KVi 91 74 6.46 7.06 Gulf StLand 3 1048 lOVi IOV4 ya 1 17 17 17ft 18 18ft 18ft 18 1 19 19 19ft 6 23Vi 23ft 23 3 20 20 20 ft 14 6ft 6 6V ,10 63 63 63- 7n 7n 7- 3 178 17 17- 2 8 7 7- at mi 9154 91 1 Lite Or 234 12 12ii 12ft ft tl 7Ym 7 8 uuu ws wts PGElepf 1 Pac Industr PacLtpf 4 PacNwTel 1 PacPwLpf 5 PacSAir wts Liie ins 4.98 5.44 6.87 7.51 4.71 7.33 14 6'm 01 ova iLing Fd 9 7 70 8ft 29 15 11 28 rN" 5 a nahxin 8 75 8.75 LOOM1S Anwr 15 15- 28 28ft ft 2174 917 14 adequate on laree to ampie on mraiums and smalls. Extra large short of Wednesday needs. Prii tn retail.

TteDresentatlve sales Blair Fd 10.98 liOO'SAYLES: Bnd Stk Can Int Bost St 10.16 11.10 Cap Dv 8ft ft 29 Vt 26ft ft 41ft 13 ft 16ft 16 24 39.08 39 08 12.05 2.05 5 8ft 8 36 29ft 29 46 27ft 26ft 12 42ft 41ft 30 13ft 13ft 7 16Va 16ft 179 17 16 94ft 94 PallCorp .32 Pantaste 4k Pa pert Koe 24 22 Harnisfgr 2 Uartfld Zds Harvard In HarvevG .12 20 20 20 Knot Fri 8 49 9.28 Mut 4 3 6 16 16 16V4 l'j 1M1 Va to volume buyers erade A eKgs or better in cartons. Majority ranee: Extra large 50-53e, larae 48'2-S2c. mediums 37-391jc. aramt fac arkCh .30 BiCKtoras 1 Big Apple Big Ber BinnSm 1.30 Bishop Inds Bloom Bide Bluebird In Bohack Crp Botany Ind a Bowling Cp Bowmar Ins Bowne BowVall .10 BradSp 1.20 Braniff CIA Braniff wis Brascan .20 BraunEn .24 Breeze BritPet Bro Dart BTOdyCo .16 BrooksP .20 BrnFB BrwnFp 1.40 BTUEng .28 Buell Ind 4i Bundy Cp 1 Burns .60 Burrghs JP ButlerA Buttes Gas ByersCo .30 1241 12 12-f 1 ft 14.91 14.91 .7.43 8.12 11.0512.08 12.1413.27 5.25 5 25 9yk 9 2 10 10ft 10'4 1 12 12Vs 1218 152 96 92 965ft A 91V. 95114 25 14 34 19 18 VilBft 4 1 12 13 2 Broad St 14 63 15.82 Manhtn Bullock 15.43 16.90'Mass Fd CG Fund 9.64 10.42 Mass Gr Cdn Fd 18.63 20.15:Mates Cap Inc 8.48 9.30 Mather Cap Life 7.10 7.78 McDon Khr 10 7a 11 73 Mid Am HarvStr J4 Hastings .50 Head Ski Co Heinicke In HelnaR 1.30 HelWE Df 4 21 21 21- 8ft 734 73.

K. NEW YORK BUTTER NKW YORK (UPI) (USDA1 Butter 635 19ft lft l'J 12 26 26ft 2iVyi 1 i S' 6 ft 11.93 11.93 9.83 10.77 29 lift 10 11 53 53 53 120 54 6.BU 7.43 Hercul Gain 7 10 market Wednesday: Offerings ample. Demand slow. Wholesale selling prices in cents per pound (bulk in fiber boxes) A A (93 score) oaVa-tf; A (92 score) 68'4 66. CHANNING MdysCp 51.01 16.40 FUNDS: iMdy's Fd 14.00 16.30 Hi inc 3k 10' 8 l9 ia "fa 16 16 16 81 81 81 ft 7 20ft 19 20ft ft 6 20ft 20ft 20ft 4 6ft 6 6 XI 8ft 8ft 8V4 ft 8 19ft 19' 191-s 10 20ft 20ft 20ft 2 uiitorui wts Ralan 12.56 13 73 Morsan y.jj lu.zu 6 93i 28 28 ParkElec 5k ParvinD .40 PatParP .36 PatoCn 10b Peel Elder Penn PeanTr PenobS Pentron Etc PepBoys .84 PEPI Inc Permanr Cp PhU Tel PhLDpf aot PhUl Scr .20 PhoenixS 3k Piasecki Air Pickwick In J-8 08 i .83 2.uo moitiva rus: 6.82 7.451 Grwth 10.9411.99 8 (14 8.79 Ine 4.24 4.65 Com St Grwth Incom 38 5 2 30ft 29 29- 5 42 414 414 19 6ft 6 6 Va 92 4 41 uoerner .82 Hotman ma Hoi Mas 1.40 Holly Corp HomOlA .50 HomOlB .50 Hormel 1.20 1 4 3.10 3.39 Ins 7.75 8.49 sped 404 70 69 9 19 19ft 19ft CHASE GROUP: ra 18.99320.50 82 24ft 24ft 24 KIWI KOR 17.711 MIX rin D.44 lift llVa-ft Frnt 100 74 105.21 OmGr 5.24 5.70 4 12 U'4 1 IK 28 28ft 27 2844 20 12 11 11 Va 1 21 21 21 9 10 10ft 10ft 19 4 444 4 3 31 30 30 14 11 35 33ft 334 ft 34 34 33ft 33 I 12 10 10 1 8ft 8 BVi 7 26 25 26, 31 15 15 15ft-ft 7 12 11 11 ft 28 55ft 54ft 54ft lft 37 20 20 20 9 23 22ft 22 2 23 23 23 7 33 33 33- ft XI 2 8 8 8 30 28 28 28ft 13 29 28ft 28 59 2IK4 20ft 20 Horn 8 t3Vi -6Z 4 33 i 28 27VI 9 32ft 32 4 33 33 z3o OMK i Mm uHKyyw 15 18 ll 7 13 30ft 30 14 looking for possible capital growth? send for your free prospectus- St BOS 12.19 13.32 MU OnUn .10.49 11.40 Chem Fd 18 09 l9.78Mut Shra 19.11 19.11 COLONIAL FDS: Mut Tr 2.72 2.78 Col 12.20 13.33 NEA Mut 10.9011.12 Eqt 4.87 5.37 Nat WS 10.7711.65 Grwth 6.56 7.17 Nat Ind 11.55 11.55 1U Hm 1BV4 ft 28 9ft- 18 27 914 25 24 25 25 if llV4 3 at ai 31 13 42 39 A Richard L.

Boggs, Jr, Assistant Vico President "The Johnson, Lane, Space, Smith man has 7118 913 4-1 tiouse an lubell A .96 iubell .96 ludsn Leas lufiman .60 funtCh .24 luskyOl .30 luyckCp .40 Ivcon Mig l.vdromat l.vdrometl Hverade FI Vent 7.06 .7 lnv 7.87 B.51 371 37 18 8 Com Fd 11.913.07. NAT SEC SES 18. 18- n. I 19 18 31 31 ft, 31 ft- 8 8 8- 952 2V 10.69 11.68 Z4'S CmSt Fd 5.09 5J3 Balan 8 30 30 Pioneer Sys Pio Plastic Pitt DM 1.40 Pittway .60 PittWVa .54 Planning Re Plant Indust Plaza Grp Ply Gem 3k PlyRubA .25 PneuSca .80 Pneum Dyn Polarad El 30 ISft 91 15 to know his and yours.1 17 5V 8 HyFdpfA 4 5.56 6.08 4.57 4.99 7.14 7.80 5.61 6.13 8.83 9.65 I.vm 10.2(1 6.04 6.62 X9.75 10.60 38- 16- 9ft ft 39 38 31 17ft 16 14 9 9ft rOMMONWLTH Bond FUNDS: Divid Cap 9.94 10.89 Pf Stk Inc 10.1411.08 Incom lnv 9.91 10.83 Stock Slk 9 87 10.79 Gnvth COMMONWLTH Nat Wst TRUST! Nel Gr 4 1 Neuwih 23ft 24 24 Yt 8 8 8 19 19 19V4 ft 26ft 26 26 13 43 42 42 1 1 19 17 34 7 6 34 3'8 VI ,8 .5 .5 5 io 10 .10 loft 7 36 36 36 5 48 48 48ft ft 20 33 33 33 4 20 20 20 5 10ft 9 10 9 13 13 13 189 18ii 17 17 1 12 12 12 Vi 5 2t7 217 27 -tl 3 15 1514 15- ft PolcronP 5k 3374 17 24.96 24.96 Polvchrm 5i is ly ioY4 iy 204 36 35ft 36 1 4 13 13ft 31ft 1 90ft 90 90ft ft dealToy Cn Inc MC MaaC'D mocoG 10k mperOO .50 mo TC nip TG Ind Head wt 33 33 1 17 17- Vi 15 15 26ft 27 11 lift 1350 15 CtD L75 1.89 New Eng 10.11 10.93 Bomp As 16.77 18.38 New Hor 27.24 27.24 ompCp 8.91 9.76 New Wld 13.76 15.04 Comn Bd 9.63 10.47 NY Vent 14.57 18.14 27 2 ft Polymer lk Potter Instr PowerCp .44 PrairieOil Pratt Lam 1 3 1141 119 30 28 92ft 4y oi 18 25 24 24 1 8ft 8ft 81i 13 18 18 18 Comp Fd 10.29 ii.i8;Newtpn Comstk 5.32 5 81 INeast IT 4 zju eu oys ao 4 5 5 5 Concrd 17.39 17.39;""", ina rj nara Intlt Pirt 2k booklet on charming growth fund A fully managed mutual fund whose aim la to make your investment dol-lara grow and to take riska along what we consider prudent lines. For your free prospectus-booklet, mail this advertisement to: CHANNING COMPANY, INC.

J680 Tully Circle N.ESulte 123 Atlanta, Georgia 3032? Phone: (404) 633-4555 Charles A. Holt, Jr. Div. Mgr. Mama Address 2 18 81 'a IB 'I 41 10 40ft 39 40ft 1 11 11 ft 7 16 16 16ft 2 1 11 11 ft 5 26 26 26 Cons Inv 12.50 12.87 14.91 16.30 16.45 16.45 8.81 9.63 8.35 8.47 15.21 16.62 10.12 11.06 16.15 16.15 15.83 15.84 Inlander 3k 10 13 13 13i4 4 10 9 Vi 10 17ft 16 16 37 20ft 19V4 1914 44 You expect an account man to know what he's talking about.

But that doesnt pay off for you unless he also knows what you're talking about. We insist that our men attempt to know you, the customer, Inside and out; your situation, your goals, and your hopes and Because only then can we put together a recommended securities investment program for you. our judgment is built on thirty-fiva years of experience nj C0JNC. Omena 100 Fnd 101 Fnd One Wm Oneil Consum I 5.15 5.6J Corp Ld 15.6917.21 rntrv 14.07 15.21 insiron cp Inslrum jfvs 29 24 23 23 24 10 9 10 ft 8 12 11 124 26 lift 10 11 77 30 29 30 6 13 13ft 13ft 26 16 16 16ft ft 6 25 ft 25 25ft ft Pren HI Preston ProlerS JOb ProvGas .64 Pru Bldg .28 Prudent .60 PubcoP Put Fash PyroUCp .20 49 25 25 25 Cwn Dal 11 62 12.71 10 36 36 36ft 21 15ft 15 ll5'4 ft 40 14' r. in TIT! ImHI 7 86 8.59 CaldorlH 5k Cal Comptr Campb CM CampMh .30 Cdn Ex Gas Can Gridoil Cdn Hmsted CalnPw 1.60 Cdn Javelin 1 Can Marcon Cdn Sup Oil Canavral 3k Canota Inds Cap Ind Capitol Prd Career Acd Caress Carnatn 1.40 Castleton Ind Cavitron Cp Aero Cellu Craft CntSec- 3.30b Cen Geophy Centryln .24 Certified Cp ChamH ChatGas .60 Chelsea .24 Cherry Burr Christn aUU Cinerama pf Circle .32 CIrcuitFl 3k ClliznFcl .32 CltyGsFl .50 Clark Cable Clarostat Clary Corp ClopayCp 4k I Corp ConurnC .30 CofMat CohuEl ColeNatl .44 Coleooln .16 Coleman JO ColonlSS .30 Cominc M0 ComMetl Commodor Comwlth tfn CmU pf 1.05 Comwlln wt ComPS 1.40 Cnmooln .32 13'TI 9ft 10ft 6 94 4 10 948 Vi 10 52 l2'4 1 ll-Vi 6 21 20 20 neVlh 69 02 69 02 Pein Sd 8 43 8.43 Scat? 1262 13 79 'P" 8 92 8 92 DefaaFd ffi 18 17 18ft 53 Int ChNucI InU Control Intl Stretch Intphoto .40 IntersUn Cp InvOvA 1.80 InvDiv .45 InvFund .60 lroau Ind 2k 13 13 13 Delta 8.3 V.l? y'7a o'ti 7 79 4ft 4ft 4ft 3 13'4 12 12 ft 202 17ft 15 16 ft 21 46Va 4534 46 ft 29 11 11 11 ft 21 27 26 2614 19 18 18 18 i A Ol I'llOt 15 21 21'4 Ilf t.n 7 4 i 11.0011.00 13.66 14.93 140 43ft 42ft 4ZVi I InU.

IflU IQM 16 05 16.05r oneer 53 2774 27 27 ft Divid Sh Dow Th Drexel Drevfug EATON A 9 13.15 14.41 Quebec Llth Ram Inn .24 Ramer lads Randolp Com RapdAm wt Rath Packg Rav Eng .36 Pbei2d Price Tr Pro Fd Providt 5 13 13ft 13Vl 7 8 .8 8 29 23 22 22 ft 7 8 8- HOWARD 5.02 5.49 8 25 24 24ft 1 1778 17ft 1734 10 10 10 ft 4 1434 13 30 2 ESTABLISHED 1933 Member Ntw York and Amtriom Slock Exchanaes ITT 1770 I r-7m 4 12 12 12 2 7 7 7-ft 3 10ft 10 10 14 19 14 14 14 3 17 16 16 ft 236 45 44 45 1 41 14 13 13 Bal 10.T! 10 6011.46 ntfn 6.8i Ey, 6.23 Income PUTNAM FDS: Irvln Ind 71 LSCInd ITEL Corp ITI Corport Jaclvn Jameswy 2k Jeanett Gls JeffLPt Jefferson St bw Fit 19 09 Heading ina HR 10 PLANS AVAILABLE 11.1012.13 Ecmisy Suite 1000, Commerce Bldg 34 Bread Street, N.W, Atlanta, Georgia 30303 TeL (404 523-3492 x2 23 RE Inv Stock Fd 14 81 16.191 1.20 23 23 ft 17 20 14 15'4 Va 3.78 1 09 BealEq 75 20 29 16 xi 10 10ft loft 9 19ft 1 18 1 18 17 17 17 ft 23 17 17 I714 ft 1 22 22 22ft 9 25 24ft 24ft lft 31 9ft 6 9 ft 6 5 5ft 75 44 43 28 32 32 32 13 35ft 34 34 14.24 15.56 11.37 12.43 8.41 9.19 7.18 7.85 11.2312.27 9.37 10.24 5.28 5.77 13 86 15.15 8.72 9-54 16's 16V4 164 Ueo Grill Inc lnv VistS. Voyg Rem Tech rSTlm 6 18ft 17 43- 18ft 6ft 1834 li 7 6ft 6ft 13.73 14.92 8.46 9.25 14.41 14.41 8.95 9.78 9.91 10 83 18.16 19.90, 15.91 15 28 1 6.52 2 Kberst Egreg Emerg Energy Ent Fnd Equity Eqt Gr Essex Everest ExKl'Fd JervtaCp 5k Jetronic Ind JohnsB Sirs Jupiter Crp 19 11 6'4 5ft 18 18 20 20 11 11 13 13 20 13 51 49 49-Oft 15 9ft 9 9 1 33 33 33 ft 1 17 17 17 153 27ft 26 27ft 323 11 10ft 10ft 34 This announcement is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offer to buy any of these shares. The offering is made only by the Prospectus. 3444 34'1 "2 4 .33 162 1 109 21 Schusrr 16 16' 4 ft 1 663 19 17 8ft 23 31 24.50 24.05 SiiinfiFR rm 18 19ft la lift 11 11 11.94 13.05in Inv 1174 14(11 Fairlfa Kaiser In 2k Kalvex Kane Miller KanebP .60 23 18 IB IB rm Rnr 11 4011.40 ii in ii io 8 Bft 31 31ft 23 93 4 24 JulylO.1969 NEW ISSUE 25 25 25 hull or 19 5- 5ft 5ft 23 23ft 23ft 14 14ft 14 ft 33 32 ft 32 '4 KaufBrd wt Fed Grth 13.74 ,15 041 gf VsTth.Yt Fid Cap 11.95 1306 com 1087 10.87 Fund 16 18.23 27 13.26 Fid Trnd 25.81 28.21 gee yA j.83 4.19 F'NANCIJL IF 7.89 8.62 PROGRAM, t. SelAm 10.1310.96 18(4 18V IB1 "4 17ft 17 17'4 ft 27 19ft 9 14 14 if 44 8 9 a 15 4 17ft 44 8 9ft Kavanau .60 Z'l 18'4 9 14 14 4 17 4334 8 9 58 Bft 8ft SVfl ft )16 23 3 X21 29 12 23 3 11 44 6 lift 131 14 Vt 10ft 10 ft 5,000,000 Shares .6.

Sue 15.7717.24 Kliy Eq wts REDM Corp Bedmn Rreves Tele Reeves Inds Remco Ind Rem Ar .80 RescCott .08 Reserve Oil Resistfl .502 Resortlntl A Rest As Ric Group Rirhfoi-d In Riker Mxsn RikerM pi A RioAlRM Rite Aid .32 RitterFn .34 Roblm Indu RochGEpf 4 Rockowr .20 Roser Cp 4i Rollins Leas Rolls RoosvtR .80 Rosenau .40 kownlj RoyalAm la RnyaiF Rusco Indus Russek Buss AI 4)2b P.ussMill RustCrft .40 Ryerss Bar 23 4 Xlf 4 7 3 12 28 B'4 "4 B''4 38 37ft 37 4 26ft 26 26 ft 32 31 31 '41 48ft 47 4714 ft 8ft-ft S'l Ind 11 12? In 12 14 13ft 14 ft Vent 58 21 li 11 nSSm Dea 24.29 24.29 4.47 7.08 Slde rd 11.30 8 Sama CP 10.88 11.89 11 08 12.11 sarna In 12.2413.38 Smith 9.59 9.59 IV'm IU'a Z60 39 3 ft 21 ft 18 IB KavJwl J7e Kenton .48 Ketchm KewOil KewOilpf 2 Kevstlnd .60 Kilemb Kin Ark Cp King Radio KinesLf 1.44 Kinestrd Co Kinnev DfC It 7 7 ft 734 40Vs 39 13 II 6 6 38 39 22T- 4 4V- 23 ft Z2'4 4W4 49 45 mm 8 27ft 27ft 2714 ft 10 18 18 lft ft Z-ts Swst mv 9.46 iu.2j 4'k 1st FVa 1st Ing 1st InS Fst Multt Ft Nat Fletchr LEXINGTON GROWTH FUND, INC. 3 15 14 14 2 35 35'i 35 ft 4 60 9.75 Sovr In 14.15 155.98 29 34 i 7.1 8.43 St Farm 5 53 5.53 153 Wf Z5'4 Z5V 18 1BV4 181 10 844 29 29 8 8 55 56ft 2 55 56ft 2' 8.52 10 10 10 ft STEADMA RKUS Am Ind 11.69 12.78 ITIhi. Vm A 74 Kutivlnd .30 21ft 214 ft I 831 1 274- 59 97 4 9 11 27 I 78 21 13ft 10 4ft 4 lift lift-' 7 7 13ft 8 45 4 22 44 3 16 lfr 1 'I 18 18 lev 4tl2 4t7 4tl2 t2 15 15 151s ft Fla Grth 7.42 1.11 Fnd Gr 5.46 $.97 Foundri 8 50 9.29 Fnurl 12.0713.191 Fitter 7.56 6.26 So Gf J.38 5.86 BTEIN BOB FDS Ball 20 59 20 .59 Cap 15.51 15.53 C1 I 28 30 tVi 8ft 814 V4 22 8 10 msel 1 .150 KleerVa Ind Kieinert Co KliklokC .50 KnoUH 1.10 KoiLmrg .40 Kysor jm 29 29vj 28ft 28ft 39 39ft 331 3344 4 4 28ft 3 39 Com Den .70 CompnDyn Compulr Ap Coirip Eauip Coins Instr Comp Invst Compu Leas Computest Commit Soft Conchm .70 ConKab JSSo Condec Cp Conduct Cp Connelly Cn Connrex .55 Conroy Inc Con Can Far Con Leasing Cons Nat Sh Cons OillKJ ComltDs ConConn .60 Cunt Materl Conk El ..30 Cooklnd trie Cook Pt 1.40 Cooper .50 Coro Incorp CMmodyn Courtld .0 Creole t.vm Ctt-rtmt Od Cromnt 1.40 CrtTt Crystal Oil Cubic Corp Curtis Maui Cutler A rrirrllnllV, 1 16 16 161- 2 lift 11 lift 5 30 30 30'4 6 5 544- Stock 14.32 14.32 33 7 IUV4 10 291 28 20 19 65'4 63 4ft 4 99 19 3 2 fnm 7.00 sup inv 7.0s 1.11 4 29ft 28 28 ft 12.25 13.42 Simla Srn 9 4110 31 3 V4 p.NTC fta In? Svncro 11.87 la.yf gvt 20 12 11 11''. '489 7.55 2 43 2.66 1.65 9.45 99 34 24 41 La Barge In TMR Ap TM 12 6 6 6 16 27 27 27 ft 1 15'. 155ft 15' 14 II 12 12ft 12 CAPITAL STOCK ($1 PAR VALVE) Lexington Growth Fund, Inc.

is 8 fully-managed, diversified, open-r nd investment company, whose investment objective is to seek capital appreciation by investing its assets primarily in common stocks showing possibilities of growth. 13 13 Vi 29 30 Fi wJwh Tchers Tel Lafay Kaoio IJi 30 .7 Fund Am 9.84 10.75 Tecrioie Gen Sec 11.52 11.52 Techniv. nihrT.r 1 4.19 14.39 Tach Fd 10 71 11.14 6.57 7.18 6 8 90 22 84 24.96 7.50 6.26 i ii 7 5 5ft 5 24 30 29 29'1 29 7 6 6 13 4 I II 14 28 30 30ft 30 II 13 13ft 134-i5 1 3 3 3 23 34 34ft 34' 9114 41 91 ml GROI tril: iTemolts. A uman a 99 9.75 Tnwar Lake Sb La Maur .36 Lane ley Cp LaPont JOa LauBiow .70 tafbM InfJ 155ft IS' 1 S5Z 6.47 9 21 ft 26 26 ft 13.B2 i ii irawmi 98 10 15 Tiirtnr Safegard In SlJhnsTr .90 Salem SanCMl MieeoGpf 1 SnJuanR 101 Sargent bid Saturn Airw SavASt J2 SavinB Mth Savoylnd In Saxon Indus Sayre Fuhr Sf'am lnstm Sthemiit SchillerC .16 1 .7 117 6 7 7-ft 7 14 13 13- 15 31 30 31 91 46 44 45 1 10 15ft 15ft 15ft tm ml. 40 40 I Com St Ftil Ad Grth Ind Grvphn Guard 22.20 22 87 Twin CG ni 16.72 18.27 Twn CI 14' i4" a 14 14ft 16 17 19 19 ft 20 20 4 63 5.00 4.99 $.45 11.18512.22 lOScl 16 17ft 20 20- 9 14 167 14 26 17 2 19 3 20 14 53 18 26 26.47iVnifid.

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12 12- Ind Fnd 1091 11.92 West Ind 7.83 6.55 25Mi 255 42 ir 50 43' 4 15 53 8 Shaer Sh .36 14 64 16 00 TV Am 19 106 19 Jnahmoa 9 ft 8'4 14 ft TV Are wt Shltur4 Pn 15 10 4 1 4 3 2 4 4 121 5 33 S50 6ft 6 laltrfi amonC .40 )amon En larvl Indus ata Contrl Xits Prrevs ata Prodrt wvdCrr ..26 )yMn JflVllnlll .40 laylmln wt I Transit Irar Corr JllM .30 Labrtor Mtona 9 Jrtt fi "DOSItCp I Vro Rwfc weret I'd -rnal Eqpt VkI lOO ivery .50 Mils .24 Jiriiys Cp RM Corp "ne Petro MmT- Ai imtar AC Cp J2 ryC .10 Fr 30 uaiop Jfib ind Am 6 08 6.64-WhirN Ins tr Bn 6.45 7.05 Wnd 'n Invm 49 i 46 47 Winfld InvC Am 13 70 14 97 Wiroa litr 8 49 ttVx-Lh 9.64 10 55 6 34 6 93 7.39 809 3 43 75 Sh(fHlW .50 Stiii 30 6 I4.J 46 5ft .50 XVAit LA wts 9 19 if 17 Sherwd Med 63 30 24 14 nm 17 97 at 9 9 7'4 3 10 16 ft 98 fa 7-'4 ft if 16- 7.1 Siboney CP 16 47 47 47'4i ll Inv Irxl 14 34 1 4 341 Ex dividend 21 Inv BOS 12J4 13.49iS WOCK SPUt. LT'Alpf Lumiv Btm LDi. Corp 814 6 14 46 5 2074 17 9 16 36 50 31 17'8 9ft 1 7V 41 BC' Ml 34 71 7 7 4 4 20 20 20 66 26 25 2S 1260. 25 19 25 5 20 86 17 4 9ft 16 1 36 50'4 4 31 12 17 36 50ft BURNIIAM AND COMPstNY W. E.

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The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)
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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.