Battlenet We Couldn't Verify Your Account With That Information (2025)

1. Login problems only App, couldn't verify - Blizzard Forums

  • More results from

  • Hello, i’am having a problem with an account, when i try to log in to application, I see the message “We couldn’t verify your account with that information.”. when i try to login to the website it works. Reinstalled twice Changed Password Removed all blizzard games from pc Nothing works. Greetings, Therapia

2. We couldn't verify your account with that information? - Blizzard Forums

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  • It won’t let me log in, it comes up with this statement when I try to log into WoW. “We couldn’t verify your account with that information.” I had this problem a few days ago but I changed my password and it allowed me to log in and play WoW. But now the problem is back again and I don’t know why. What do I do? I cannot log into WoW at all. I couldn’t even make a ticket on the customer support it kept sending me around in circles and kept ending up at the point just telling me to reset my pass...

3. Unable to Authenticate With Security Code -

4. Blizzard Support - Cannot Verify Email

  • If you don't receive the verification email, try the following troubleshooting steps: Double check to make sure you typed your email address correctly, ...

  • What to do if you cannot verify your email address when you create a account or you change your email

5. I cant "verify" my battle net account - Blue Tracker

  • Oct 30, 2009 · A new verification email can be issued if you go to and log on. If you can't get it to work, just give Billing a call.

  • Everytime I click the link in my email that Blizzard sent me to "verify" my account, it just says "E-mail Verification Failed. This account has not been verified. This may have been caused by repeated unsuccesful verification

6. Blizzard Support - Error: We Can't Find That Account

  • Missing: verify | Show results with:verify

  • What to do if you receive the error

7. Unable to sign in to Battle Net (solved) - WoW Help - Wowhead

  • Apr 27, 2014 · I suggest you call blizzard about this, as long as you can verify that you own your account they can reset your passwords and help you sort everything out.

  • Hi, I can't enter my BattleNet account, I know I entered the right password and e-mail, I even changed the password but it doesn't let me either. I don't think…

8. Blizzard Support - Search: Can't log in -

  • Error: "We couldn't verify your account with that information". How to resolve this error when trying to log in to Updated ...

  • Support home

Battlenet We Couldn't Verify Your Account With That Information (2025)


Why is not letting me log in? ›

Be sure to enter the account email address and password correctly. If your login information is saved, try re-entering your account email and password. If the issue persists, try resetting your password. Deleting the cache folder can resolve problems with the logon module.

Why can't I make a account? ›

If you receive the error Unable to Process during the account creation, the account must be registered to the name of your parents or guardians. The date of birth must also reflect the parents' or guardians' details. Please log in to submit feedback. Did you find this article helpful?

How do I fix not sending verification code? ›

If you don't receive verification codes or SMS alerts:
  1. Check Your Phone Number: Double-check that the phone number associated with your account is correct.
  2. Enable SMS Alters under Communications Preferences in your Account settings.

Why won't accept my number? ›

Make sure the country registered on your Account is correct and the phone number you're trying to use matches your country. If you have moved countries, update your registered country and try again. Try an alternative service provider or phone number.

Why is my account not verified? ›

Common Problems

This error is usually due to a mismatching or forgotten password, try to reset your password to resolve it. You may also see this error if there is a service interruption, check the BlizzardCS Twitter for the most up to date information.

Why is my account banned for no reason? ›

Blizzard suspends or bans accounts for violations of our Code of Conduct. If you're seeing this message, check your email for details about the violation. If you do not have access to your account email address, contact us to update your account information.

Why does keep asking for verification code? ›

If you are receiving multiple or frequent verification request emails from us, your email address may have been compromised. Change your email address for another one and secure your Blizzard account by resetting your password, adding phone notifications, or adding an Authenticator.

How do I fix error? ›

Uninstalling and reinstalling the App may resolve rare launcher issues.
  1. Reset your network devices to make sure your router hasn't become flooded with data.
  2. Run Software Update to check for pending updates to software, drivers, and firmware.

Why is Authenticator not working? ›

Make sure you have enough free space on your device. Try removing and reattaching your Authenticator. Uninstall the app, restart your phone, then reinstall the Authenticator. Clear the Authenticator's Data and Cache from your device's app manager, restart the app, and try again.

Can you have two accounts with the same phone number? ›

A phone number can only be attached to one Account.

How to recover a account? ›

You can also recover access to your account on our Can't Log In page. If you don't have access to your email address or can't recover your account, contact us. Phone Notifications makes it easy to recover your account if this happens in the future.

Can I use without phone number? ›

Some Blizzard and Activision games require that you add a phone number to your account to play them. Other games require a phone number to use in-game features like World of Warcraft's Group Finder or extra backpack slots (requires both a phone number and Authenticator).

Why is my account locked for no reason? ›

We temporarily lock accounts when there's a change in access. This can mean a long time has gone by since last time you logged in, or maybe you've logged in from an unfamiliar location. We've sent you an email with a link to reset your password, which will unlock your account.

How do I fix connection error? ›

Connection Troubleshooting
  1. Reset your network devices to make sure your router hasn't become flooded with data.
  2. If you're using a wireless connection, optimize your internet connection to rule out a connection issue.
  3. Update your drivers and operating system to resolve any compatibility issues.

Why is my mobile app not working? ›

If connected to a Wi-Fi network, switch to your mobile network. Close all other running apps on your device and try again. If you experience issues on an Android device, try clearing the cache data. Navigate to the mobile app settings, press Clear Cache, then relaunch the app.

Could not log in to BLZBNTBGS80000011? ›

Error code: BLZBNTBGS80000011

If you're experiencing connection or login issues with World of Warcraft, check the Realm Status page (EU) / Realm Status page (US). If the service is offline, try again later. If the servers are available, or if your game doesn't have a Service Status page, continue troubleshooting.

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Views: 5517

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.